Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year!!

KIT & friends wish everybody and eachothers a

Monday, December 15, 2008

Banana tree!!

basa, julia and I tried riding a banana tree - great success... NOOOOOT!

watch the clips and laugh with us! :-)
the tree hug-ers!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

LOMO - 2nd film

LOMO - 2nd film

... getting better! sometimes I still have my finger in the right corner of the pictures - gonna work on it! that´s the first half of the 2nd lomo film. be continued with basa´s birthday party!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Aline wins Kiddy Contest!!

Congrats to Aline aka Mira (her popstar undercover name)!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

LOMO - the very first try

LOMO - first try

LOMO is my new non-human best friend since I got it from Basa as a birthday present - but there is one difficulty: LOMO doesn´t want me as its best friend. Let me explain: I went to gym with Lisa, Julia, Flori, Thaler Flo and LOMO... I concentrated almost the whole time on my LOMO and took 36pictures. It was sunny outside, bright inside, funny action, lots of taken pictures with flash(!!), laughter, sweat, crazy moves,... and what do you see on the pics: darkness, darkness, some people, some schnitzel, darkness, darkness, 14 pictures,... sorry guys! I´m a totally beginner but super motivated to learn fast... stay tuned and I will prove my skills! **smile**

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dachstein - Vanis homeland

Dachstein Pleasure Session

lil KIT gathering at Dachstein!!

(sorry für den englisch-deutsch mix aber wir sind ja boarder! haha)

Monday, November 03, 2008

Les 2 Alpes - Chicks Mag Shoot

Les 2 Alpes

9 hours of driving, sleeping, shooting, sleeping, 9 hours of driving... did we miss any party? are there parties in les2alpes? I can slightly remember we´ve been to one someday in the past...

But if I go to les2alpes one more time I´m definitely not taking my boards with me. :-)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ostblock Party

Ostblock Party

einweihungs und geburtstagsparty sind der anlass... ohne anlass kein motto?!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Aline is back after spending 4 month at the atlantic coast

Coffeeee time

... auch kleinigkeiten sind es wert festzuhalten! Kaffee hat ebenfalls eine berauschende Wirkung :-)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Overseas die Zweite

Portugal die Zweite

Ja, auch ich habe Fotos! Und ich hab's tatsächlich geschafft, sie hochzuladen. Ich weiß, es sind viele. Aber na und?!

Ma i vermiss euch! Und den Urlaub!
bis bald meine Lieben!!
Bussi Karo

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pirates Premiere Overseas

Pirates Premiere Overseas

... alle jahre wieder! und KIT ist dabei - sowieso!! leider nicht alle aber daher für die restlichen ein paar visuelle eindrücke, denn verbale zum teil nicht möglich :-)
(einfach auf die überschrift klicken und los gehts...)

P.S.: karo hat noch mehr fotos - vll auch bald online - check back! baba

Portugal - Ericeira


Karo, Peda, ein paar Telfer & ich machten uns auf den Weg ins schöne Portugal - check the pics!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Oh what some freaks!

Paddling without waves seems crazy useless. But with a big Innsbrooklyn Crew even that turns out to be fun. And: Be aware to meet us in the surf anywhere around the Globe. We are as fast as lightning!


Friday, May 23, 2008

Get well soon - the one and only male KIT ;-)

Peda, das ist einzig und allein für Dich! Wir wünschen Dir alle ganz gute und schnelle Besserung!! bald wird wieder gebretzelt...

(p.s.: der schultergurt ist super süß und super sexy!)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

More pics - first try with web album

stü´s good bye & michi b.´s birthday party!

kathi and sabs in town!!

kathi on a short visit in ibk before she´s leaving to Italy for her summer holdiays

sabs, also just a rare guest in ibk anymore, & silvi

karin - long time no see!

lisa, sabs, karo (just came back from a short business trip to Norways) & silvi

kathi, franz & karo


lisa, sabs & silvi

karo & poor sick lisa

lovely couple karo & peda: love is in the air...

... cheers to the love! ;-)