Monday, May 19, 2008

back on track

after it got pretty quiet about the kit-girls, i would say it´s time to re-start the bloggin with tight gossip... no news doesnt mean we got quiet! hell NOOOOOO ... hehe

OK let´s see what´s worth telling you guys: Vani is back on shred after a one year break because of a very bad back injury... and she´s still killing it! I had the pleasure to go riding with her at Dachstein glacier last week. It was so great to see her again and even better to go ride with her!! Basa came all the way down there as well. I haven´t seen her for a quite long time either... So there was a lot to chat about.

still keeping it tight,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well for me its better to be more realistic.